Insurance Claims
Q: Will my insurance company pay for a new roof?
A: Your insurance company will pay for damage that is the result of an act of nature or accident, such as a hailstorm, hurricane, tornado, falling branches or debris, or other incident.
Q: Who should I call first if I think my roof is damaged, Integrity Roofing & Siding or my insurance company?
A: First call Integrity Roofing & Siding to inspect your roof and document damage, including a written description and digital photographs. We can help you determine if there is enough damage to warrant an insurance claim. If so, we can speed the process and get your roof restored quickly.
Q: Can you represent me during the insurance inspection?
A: Yes, our inspector can be on hand when your insurance adjustor arrives to inspect the damage, and make sure all areas of concern are included on the final report. This ensures you get all the compensation you need for quality repairs.
Q: How much money will I get from my insurance company?
A: The final determination of the value of the claim will be made by your insurance company, based on the report from the insurance adjustor. Depending on the age of your roof, the amount paid may be less than the full cost of repair or replacement (due to depreciation). This figure can sometimes be negotiated.
Q: I got several estimates to repair my roof but they vary widely. Why?
A: Before making a decision, make sure all the estimates are offering the same quality of materials and workmanship. One contractor might propose using 25-year shingles, while another may offer installation of a 50-year shingle for only slightly more. Make sure you’re getting the most for your money.
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