Tips & Tricks

Simple Ways to Prepare Your Home for a Storm
A strong storm can cause serious damage to your home. To make sure your home is as prepared as possible for Mother Nature’s wrath, you

Handy Tips on Preparing Your Roof Replacement Budget
Replacing your roof is a big investment, which is why it’s important to come up with a detailed, realistic budget ahead of time that you

4 Home Improvements to Help You Recover From Storm Damage
Recovering from storm damage can be a long and arduous process. The silver lining is that it gives you a chance to pursue home improvement

Sedona Canyon: 2017’s Color of the Year
Color plays a huge role in the aesthetic appearance of your home, and this includes the color of your roof. Choosing the right hue for

Hail Storm Damage and How It Affects Homes
With temperatures changing, strong storms can occur in fall. Hail storm damage is a big concern as it can cause substantial damage to homes. This

4 Things Your Roofing System Is Trying to Tell You
While many signs of roof damage are not immediately apparent to the untrained eye, simply knowing what to look for can greatly improve your detective