Why Asphalt Shingles Are So Popular

If you have ever had to get a bid for a new roof in the San Antonio area, you know that this can be an expensive undertaking. There are a lot of choices when it comes to roofing materials, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but with all those choices out there, you might be interested to know that asphalt shingles have been and continue to be the most popular roofing material for many reasons.

Installation is Quick & Easy

Installing asphalt shingles on a residential building is a very quick and easy process, which means that in most cases a roofing contractor in San Antonio TX will be able to complete the job in a single day. That means you won’t have to worry about leaving your home vulnerable to weather and other dangers if the roof is incomplete for several days at a time.

Maintenance Requirements are Low

Once installed, maintenance is also very easy. Most contractors recommend that you get the roof inspected by a professional at least once a year (preferably twice), and if they do spot any damage at that time they might be able to fix it. Since asphalt shingles are installed in segments called “tabs”, a problematic shingle or two can be easily removed and replaced.

Asphalt Looks Great

Asphalt shingles come in a wide variety of different colors, shapes, and styles so it’s easy to find one that suits your home and your personal style. You might not think of asphalt shingles as one of the more aesthetically-pleasing materials, but they provide a great uniform look and can even be designed to mimic the appearance of more expensive roofing materials such as slate or tile.

It’s Economically Friendly

Perhaps one of the main reasons for the popularity of asphalt shingles in the U.S. is their relatively low cost when compared with other options. They offer one of the lowest costs per square foot to install, and are designed to last a long time with 15 to 30 years of useful life (provided they are installed properly by a qualified roofing contractor in San Antonio, TX).

Find out more about asphalt shingles and see if they are the right choice for your roofing today.


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